Boy was my mom right about Grandkids….heart stealers!
We freeze brand at the Diamond H. Takes a little more time, but you can see it across the pasture, and it is permanent. First you shave the site and clean it of dirt. Then use a brass iron that has been in dry ice and denatured alcohol. You make the site very wet with alcohol out of a spray bottle and apply the iron for 45 seconds. It kills the color follicle of the hair and causes the hair to come in white.
The iron has to be super cold and held with lots of pressure.
AAAHHHHHHH! This is a face full of pure bliss.
Time with any family, especially little ones, is treasured.
With the right equipment, mowing the lawn is pretty much a game!
Spending time with the cattle……is very relaxing.
I’ve built lots of fence….I’d guess in the neighborhood of 8 miles. I’ve built one large set of pens 6 years ago. Built several loafing sheds, I have enjoyed every bit of it. I enjoy building things and love the sense of accomplishment when the job is done. Never have been intimidated to start something I had no idea how to do. Then….. all the sudden, this set of pens we are building at the house is the first time I have had the thought…..”can I do this?”. Man, it has been a chore. The site preparation was 10 days of dirtwork. We moved so much dirt, We had to build 3 MAJOR retaining walls. Used 500 rail ties. Thought it would take 4 men 2 weeks…took 4 men 8 weeks (10 hr days in 100+ heat). We have buried 500 ft of electrical lines, 400 ft of water lines, and just recently started putting posts in the ground. This set of pens here will require 198 posts put in the ground. It is gonna take a little longer than the 2 months I estimated (like maybe 10 months….man I hope not)! Will keep you posted on this journey by pictures.
This is looking down the 12 foot wall. This area will be the large catch pen.
We bought a post driver to do this job…it has saved a lot of time, but takes some time to perfect!
Here is the working pen area…..sure do love the Arrow chute!
One of the things I love about ranch life is the stuff ya get to see! The video on the link below, could make National Geographic, and we just drove the tractor up on it! When you click on the video, you have to download it to see it. It’s really worth watching!